Day 3 – 30.07.2020

Leg3: Fethiye-Bodrum where East meets West
There is one small downside with all this expeditions: you just cannot help but fall in love with the places you visit. This exactly what happened to the Bering Yachts’ crew that set out for pocket-odyssey trip from Kemer on July 28th. On the beginning of Day 3 the crew has managed to cover almost 250 miles in three nights and on July 30th reached Bodrum peninsula. What a day it was!
First, let us talk the trip. Bering70 with Hysucat hydrofoiling RIB towed left Fethyie on July 29th evening heading west. The weather was fresh with uneasy seas. It took more than 10 hours to cover the distance around 120 miles with average 8 knots of speed. For this trip, Bering70 consumed around 230 l of fuel.
Unlike the mornings of Days 1 and 2, the third morning the crew was underway. Still there were several things worth early waking. On the down, Bering70 left Mediterranean and entered Aegean Sea. Unlike the previous days, now the trip itself started to be more fun with rugged coastline and dozens of Greek islands to the port side. With such a scenery, one can make perfect use of the boat’s extensive flybridge and sun lounges. Breakfasting outside was also a good idea. No need to worry for the coffee – Bering70 has gyroscopic stabilizer.
Bodrum – the biggest and the busiest city of the region – is very friendly to travelers. It has everything Turkey is famous for: history, shipbuilding and all kinds of entertainment. To meet the city sooner the crew boarded Hysucat tender to shorten the distance while Bering70 was still travelling miles from its final destination of Yal?kavak.
Voyagers were quick to check in the most famous cites of Bodrum: Halikarnas Mozolesi and Castle of St. Peter that now is home to award winning Museum of Underwater Archaeology.
The next and final stop for the day was small village and fancy resort of Yal?kavak that lies to the west of Bodrum. This place recently became hot spot for sailors when the 600+ berthed marina entered operations. Now Yal?kavak is fully devoted to high life of yachting, shopping and fine dining. Sunny, full of leisure and entertainment and away from the crowds this place really fascinated the Bering explorers. So eventually the crew decided to slow down a bit and spend a free day there.
Follow Bering70 and its crew in their 1000 miles expedition on the official channels